Riverside Resources Inc. - Home


Market Price: $0.20
Change: 0.01


Market Price: $0.14
Change: $0.00

Commodity REE, Gold
Deposit Type: Carbonatite
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Size: ~3,000 hectares
Status: Available for option





The GQ (Taft) Property is located approximately 45 km west-northwest of Revelstoke, British Columbia, within the Anstey Range. Spanning approximately 3,000 hectares (30 km²), the property is easily accessible via logging roads and features terrain with elevations ranging from 1,200 m to 2,200 m where logging has occurred. The property resides within the Omineca Belt, known for its carbonatites and favorable Rare Earth Element as well as gold mineralization geological history. The Omineca Belt broadly encompasses intrusion systems with porphyry copper and related mineralization, plutonic centers with intrusion related gold, and metamorphic geology with quartz vein gold systems placing the property in a favorable geologic and exploration location. Riverside now controls a portion of the previously explored QC property, which has been significantly expanded—tripling its original size—and integrated into a broader regional project.

location map

Figure 1:Location map and mineral concession map with tenure under option in red and Riverside 100% owned tenure in yellow.    


Geological Setting

The property lies along other Carbonatite systems within and between the Shuswap and Monashee metamorphic core complexes and with the Anstey Pluton, a mid-Cretaceous intrusion, situated near its western margin. The lithological diversity includes carbonatite intrusions and related igneous rocks of granite and pegmatite dikes that intrude into a sequence of host gneisses, schists, marble, calc-silicate, and amphibolite. The calc-silicate horizons, often hosting rare earth elements, gold and associated minerals, serve as key exploration targets.


Exploration efforts have identified carbonatite and gold-bearing calc-silicate horizons intercalated with gneissic rocks.  Some of the mineralization is characterized by the presence of pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and scheelite, with associated geochemical signatures of gold (Au), bismuth (Bi), tellurium (Te), and tungsten (W). Notable areas of interest where Riverside is following up include the target areas in the Spur D and Spur A-B trends, where REE indications along with gold anomalies in float and bedrock samples have been found by Riverside’s exploration and earlier prospecting work. 

Exploration History

Initial staking occurred in 1999, with follow-up soil, rock, and stream sampling programs revealing multiple mineralized zones. Diamond drilling in 2009 intersected several calc-silicate horizons, further emphasizing the property's potential. The source of high-grade float samples remains a target to follow up along with the favorable geology and geochemistry that Riverside has uncovered and built upon with past work.  

Exploration Potential

The Taft Property presents a favorable environment for hosting REE Carbonatite and intrusion-related gold deposits. The combination of reactive calc-silicate horizons, intrusive carbonatite, proximity to granitic intrusions, and underexplored stratigraphy makes it a compelling target for further geological and geochemical investigation. Planned activities include advanced prospecting, soil sampling, and targeted drilling to uncover the property's full resource potential.